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Online panel: How to create a European High-Speed Train network?

In het kort
29 oktober om 13:00 – 14:30
When: Thursday, 29th of October, 13:00-14:30
Where: https://re.livecasts.eu/a-railroad-to-the-future-how-to-create-a-european-high-speed-rail-network?fbclid=IwAR2UlbtKkn65pqFvNvmVkFJsluC5R0MUHIYP_fhvUvHKQbHT5gycfE5jTco
How: No registration needed, questions can be submitted through the livestream.
With the Green Deal coming up, and 2021 being declared Year of the Rail, all eyes are on how we are going to radically re-think transport over short- and medium distances in Europe.
With aviation emissions increasing by 5% every year, railways could become a sustainable alternative. To this end, the Young Democrats, the political youth party affiliated with D66, part of the Renew Europe faction, have drafted a Railroad to the Future: a plan for the development of an European high-speed rail network.
In this panel discussion (sponsored by Renew Europe), this plan will be formally handed over to Jan-Christoph Oetjen as representative of the European Parliament. Various European politicians, such as Sophie in ‘t Veld, and professionals will be present to discuss the plan.