The Jonge Democraten (in English: Young Democrats, commonly abbreviated to JD) is a social-liberal political youth organization. With over 3.500 members, it is one of the largest political youth organizations in The Netherlands. Although politically independent, JD is affiliated with the social-liberal party D66. The organization was founded in 1984.
Political values
Core values of JD include liberty, equity, and sustainability. JD takes a pragmatic approach to large issues. Furthermore, JD promotes the idea of a radical democratisation of Dutch society, intergenerational solidarity, European federalism, individual freedom, and sustainable economic development.
JD has a national board, consisting of seven members. They are responsible for running the organisation. This includes organising events, encouraging political debate, generating political output and facilitating talent development.
There are nine regional branches: Amsterdam, Arnhem-Nijmegen, Brabant (Eindhoven, Tilburg, Maastricht), Friesland (Leeuwarden), Groningen, Leiden-Haaglanden (Leiden, Delft and The Hague), Rotterdam and Utrecht. The branches each organise weekly meetings, ranging from guest lectures to discussions with speakers and from debates to drinks. Each branch has its own regional board.

JD International
Internationally, JD is an active member of LYMEC and IFLRY. It has a number of international teams, focussing on geographical areas from North America to the Middle East and North Africa. International affairs are handled by Maarten Tollenaar, the International Officer. They can be reached by e-mail at
Contact information
Address: Lange Houtstraat 11, 2511 CV The Hague, Netherlands.